
Thursday, April 15, 2010

aisec's fair...=)

as usual...menda da berkulat baru nak tunjuk kan...but then i'm not really care bout long as i got story 2 tell kan...=)

i heard about this fair from my gurl..izzy...she told me to come as they got flea market..hehe.. i love flea market...=)

then i force my fwen to accompany me...they refused at 1st as it goin 2 rain...but welfare face make them cair2..hahaha...

not so much things but kind of interesting..enjoy the pic yeah...

dis 1 booth yg arab saudi punya...uthman ask 2 much..haha..there's another arab guy..he can speak malay..but dis one, english dia also ssh nak paham..hehe...n he trying to kill me!! OMG..

this gurl yg refused last she got eksited coz 1 of da booth ade origami..da japanese booth...

eh...2 arab's gurls??? i wonder why they dun wear the purdah...hahaha..okeh2..dats mimi n jan...still at arab booth...

this much brighter....=)

can u see, like kompang at da left...dat 1 made from kulit unta....wuuuuuu...=)
tpi tegang oredi...boleh balun2....hahaha

stuff dat they brought 2 gther...yg ade jari dat guy 2, dat 1 untuk bakar2 menda yg wangi2..kira cm ambi pure la..hehe=)

so proud huh...

this gurl...err..ok women...dari tick english..hahaha..she's wearing da tradisional clothe..tpi u must see da shoes..err...seems like terompah...big enough to kill 1 dog..hahaha=)

lagi they got indonesian booth..but that 2 small...i just go there 2 eat kerepek pedas..hahaha sampai habes okeh....=) sorry kak...

yg japanese booth no pic..sbb dat guy soooooo bz teaching mimi how to do the origami...(n 4 of us)hahaha...
dats all i post will be makan2 besar time.....weeeeeeee....=)

till then...
reminder utk cik megi:
jgn lupa driving lesson...ngeeeeee....=) saya da byr yuran ok....

2 luahan perasaan =):

hamihemo said... Reply To This Comment

wwoo nak jadi minah arab de??
nice picture

nyonya penang said... Reply To This Comment

mimi ngan jan boley la jdik..
gua sepet de....

arab kacuk ngan jepung kot..